Saved my LIFE
Helium ACTUALLY saved my life. Here I am, a college freshman, interning at a small business over the break. Of course, being an intern, my job is to do all the boring things that no one else wants to do. I’m talking endless spreadsheets, mind-numbing data entry, that sort of stuff. So what am I to do for eight hours a day, stuck doing the most boring things known to man? Enter Helium. I was able to get all my work done without going insane from boredom by watching Netflix through Helium. It never got in the way of my work, could be resized, moved anywhere, even sometimes could change the opacity. Finally, I could be productive while entertaining myself and neither got in the way of the other. Helium, you saved my life from being overcome by even the most mind-numbingly boring work possible. Thank you!!!
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